Hon. Justin Bedan Njoka Muturi is the Attorney General. He is a Member of the Commission.
Hon. Muturi possesses a Post Graduate Diploma in Law. He was admitted as an advocate of the High Court of Kenya in 1982. He has served in various capacities, including but not limited to: President of the Africa Parliamentarians’ Network Against Corruption in Ghana (2018-2021); and Member of the Expert Committee on Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) Status Representing Africa Region (Nominated by CPA – Africa Region, Jan 2017-2022).
Others include; President of CPA – Africa Region (July 2014–August 2016); Member for East Africa to the Conference of the Speakers and Presiding Officers of Commonwealth Parliaments (Feb 2014-2016); Chairperson of the East Africa Community Bureau of Speakers (2014-2015); and Chairperson of House Business Committee; and Select Committee on Appointments and Committee on Powers and Privileges (March 2013-2022).
He was instrumental in initiating reforms for the management of political parties in Kenya in the quest for promoting democracy. Hon. Muturi played a crucial role in the constitutional review process, culminating in the adoption of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010.
He served as member of various committees including, the House Business Committee (2003–2007); Select Committee on Constitutional Review, 1999–2004; Africa Parliamentarians Network against Corruption (APNAC); and Parliamentary Network on the World Bank. Further, he served as Chair, Public Investments Committee (2003–2007) and Opposition Chief Whip (2003–2007).
Hon. Muturi served in the Judiciary for 15 years before retiring as Principal Magistrate at the Nairobi Law Courts. He also served as the Chairperson of the Kenya Magistrates and Judges Association. As the President of the Board of APNAC, he steered the organisation in its advocacy for strong parliamentary oversight for the detection, exposure and prevention of corruption across the continent.
As the Chairperson of the Executive Committee of CPA – Africa Region, he coordinated the hosting of the 2021 inaugural Commonwealth Parliamentarians with Disabilities Conference, which sought to mainstream disability matters into the legislative business of parliaments.
Recognising his great knowledge on constitutional and legislative affairs, he was nominated as the Africa representative on the CPA International Working Group on the Legal Status of the CPA, whose objective was to change the legal status of CPA from a charitable society to an international organisation.
Hon. Muturi draws satisfaction in assisting community members access opportunities for employment and education, while coordinating support for community-driven projects.
The alternate member representing him at SRC is Emmanuel Bitta, MBS.