Invitation for Submission of Memoranda for Draft Remuneration Guidelines for the Public Sector, 2020

December 8, 2020 | 5:10 pm

The Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) is established under Article 230 of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010, to set and regularly review the remuneration and benefits of all State officers, and to advise the national and county governments on the remuneration and benefits of all other public officers.

Article 230 (5) of the Constitution and Section 12 (1) of the SRC Act, 2011 specifies Remuneration and benefits principles upon which SRC reviews and sets remuneration and benefits for state officers and advises on remuneration and benefits for other state officers at the National and county governments. The Remuneration Guidelines for the Public Sector is a remuneration and benefits policy instrument that operationalises the remuneration and benefits principles.

The Guidelines are intended to be an important reference document to public sector employers, employers’ organizations representing public sector employers and workers, the Employment and Labour Relations Court (ELRC), State and public officers in their roles as workers and trade unions.


Pursuant to Article 10 of the Constitution, the Commission invites interested members of the public to submit memorandum on the Draft Remuneration Guidelines for the Public Sector, 2020.

The Commission is therefore inviting stakeholders and the public to submit views through several online/virtually options and platforms, as follows; through SRC’s social media platforms (@srckenya on Twitter and Instagram; and Salaries and Remuneration Commission on Facebook and LinkedIn); telephone recording only (0736712864); WhatsApp (0736712864); and email ( The Submission Form is also available on the SRC website link;

Kindly note that due to threats posed by the Covid-19 pandemic, and to ensure mitigation efforts, while following the laid down Ministry of Health directives, hardcopy submissions are NOT encouraged.

Views from stakeholders and members of the public must all be received on or before Tuesday, 22 December 2020.

The Draft Remuneration Guidelines for the Public Sector, 2020, can be accessed on the SRC website through the following link:

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