Strategic planning is a critical process that SRC employed to establish the strategic direction for the period 2019/20 to 2023/24. While setting out the vision, mission, core values, motto and objectives to be achieved during this period, SRC was guided by its mandate and principles as outlined in the constitution and SRC Act, 2011.
As part of its effort to ensure that the outlined activities are implemented as per the strategic plan, SRC organised a senior management retreat to review the progress made so far. The retreat, held from 28 to 30 September 2022, at the Royal Tulip, Nairobi, reviewed the key result areas, programme outputs and outcomes for the period 2023/2024 to 2024/2025. The retreat also identified funding gaps, and highlight donor opportunities to be considered.
The process enabled the senior management to work in teams to agree on activities to be implemented during the last phase of the strategic plan. The review also assisted in addressing uncertainties surrounding identified activities and agree to measures to reduce the risk of not implementing the activities.
Staff were able to proactively analyse factors that affect the achievement of planned activities and set out realistic targets that are aligned to the strategic objectives, for increased operational efficiency.
The retreat fostered teamwork, built consensus on the strategic direction, peer reviewed departmental and institutional performance targets and indicators, and prioritised budgetary requirements needed to implement the activities.
This resulted in inter-departmental collaboration, improved understanding of outlined initiatives and the harmonisation of budgetary needs to be used up through to the financial year 2025/26. This would ensure continuity of planned activities and enhance adherence to the government budget planning cycles.