Members of the Commission and secretariat staff undertook a job analysis, job evaluation and compensation structuring training in readiness for the actual evaluation of the public sector jobs. This phase begun following completion of validation of job descriptions and signing off of job description manuals.
The training, which took place from 15 to 26 February 2021, was undertaken by PKF consultants, and aimed at preparing the evaluators to effectively undertake evaluation of the job roles in the public sector.
The training focused on several key topics including: rationale for job evaluation (JE) and remuneration exercise, objectives of JE and remuneration exercise, the point factor JE systems, designing a customised JE system for the public sector, compensation structure design and reward management, and dynamics of effective JE and sustainable compensation systems.
Emphasis was placed on ensuring that the entire process was correct so as to achieve the right outcomes.
The Commission, pursuant to Section 11(e) of SRC Act, 2011, set a four-year review cycle for remuneration and benefits in the public sector with the first cycle running for the period between the years 2013/14 – 2016/17 and the second between the years 2017/18 – 2020/21. The third remuneration cycle will cover the period between the years 2021/22 – 2024/25.
Job evaluation for the public sector and salary surveys are key processes that will inform the third public sector remuneration cycle.